Thursday, October 22, 2020

Do not fear!


The psalmist David declared "My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"  Your face Lord, I will seek" (Ps 27:8).

Is this your response when the Lord prompts you to seek Him?  To spend time with Him?  David was quick to say yes when He felt that conviction to run to God.  In the midst of the turmoil and all the false accusations being spouted against him, he turned to the one who remains Faithful and True.  He knew he had failures, but he also knew that if anyone could provide that security and safety he needed, it was El Roi, The God who sees all.  May God be your refuge and restoration during these times we are living in.  He is the God who sees you in all your troubles and still loves you despite the mistakes made on your journey.  Do not allow the enemy to muzzle you because of shame and guilt.  The Lord is here with his arms outstretched to you ready to restore, but you must come near.  Come near to God and he will surely come near to you (Jas 4:8).  God is not withholding anything from you, but you must come.  No fear.  The Lord is here.  Your Healer is here.  He is the Lord, Your Healer.  So come and be ye healed.  
